Keeping Candidates in the Loop, Every Step of the Way!


A platform that helps recruiters to update candidates in real time about their recruitment process which helps streamlining the communication and manage candidates expectations.




HR Software Tools


Product Manager


2 months


1 Product Manager, 1 Product Designer and 2 Software Engineers


Figma, FigJam, Github and Asana

Let's Talk!


Keeping Candidates in the Loop, Every Step of the Way!


A platform that helps recruiters to update candidates in real time about their recruitment process which helps streamlining the communication and manage candidates expectations.




HR Software Tools


Product Manager


3 months


1 Product Manager, 1 Product Designer and 2 Software Engineers


Figma, FigJam, Github and Asana

Check it Out!


Problem Space

Problem Background

In today's competitive job market, recruiters struggle with efficiently managing the recruitment process while providing a positive experience for candidates. The current process of manually updating candidates in real-time is time-consuming and results in communication gaps, leaving candidates feeling unfairly treated and ultimately choosing to drop out of the process.

Our hypothesis

By creating a recruitment tool that manages and streamlines their candidate communication we will be able to save recruiters time and create a better candidate experience.

Key Insights

Our initial research helped us identify some insights to understand the market size, pain points and possible solutions. 

  • The global software tools recruitment market is US$2.5B and it's set to reach US$3.5B by 2030.

  • Around 86% of recruiters interviewed reported losing top candidates due to poor communication or slow hiring. 

  •  71% of recruiters stated that managing candidate expectations is the biggest challenge they face in efficiently managing the recruitment process.

  • 50% of job seekers are still waiting to hear back after 1 to 2+ months, leading to frustration and uncertainty. 

  • 85% of job seekers stated that clear communication about the hiring process with timely and informative feedback from the recruiter are the most critical aspects during their job application experience.

Problem Background

In today's competitive job market, recruiters struggle with efficiently managing the recruitment process while providing a positive experience for candidates. The current process of manually updating candidates in real-time is time-consuming and results in communication gaps, leaving candidates feeling unfairly treated and ultimately choosing to drop out of the process.

Our hypothesis

By creating a recruitment tool that manages and streamlines their candidate communication we will be able to save recruiters time and create a better candidate experience.

How might we...

we help recruiters update candidates in real time about their recruitment process and set expectations so that they can provide a fair and consistent candidate experience?

Key Research

Research and Validation

Our hypothesis was tested through three initial research methods:

  1. User Interviews: Interviewed 5 HR professionals and 5 job seekers to better understand their existing pain points.

  2. Surveys: To quantify these pain points  and validate their frequency, we conducted a 14-question survey that received 180 responses from these two users.

  3. Usability Testing: We confirmed our design solution's effectiveness by conducting usability tests with our users, then refining the design based on their feedback.


Landing on the Solution

Here are the 3 key product principles that we established for our product to be considered successful and deliver value to our users. 

Here are the 3 key product principles that we established for our product to be considered successful and deliver value to our users. 


Provide real-time updates to candidates about the recruitment process in order to reduce the back-and-forth between them and recruiters.


Recruiters need to be able to add the product to their workflow without being a burden in the whole process.


Candidates feel calm as they are aware about the process, expectations and timings. Also, they have a positive experience overall even though they are not selected as they received feedback from the recruiter.


Candidates feel calm as they are aware about the process, expectations and timings. Also, they have a positive experience overall even though they are not selected as they received feedback from the recruiter.


Throughout our brainstorming sessions and taking into account our research, we narrowed down the core features for our MVP that would bring the most value for our users.

Throughout our brainstorming sessions and taking into account our research, we narrowed down the core features for our MVP that would bring the most value for our users.


  1. Create a recruitment process timeline for the job they are hiring for.

  2. Share the link to a general timeline view so that everyone can see the recruitment process. 

  3. Invite potential candidates to be part of the timeline so that they can see all candidates per phase. 

  4. Manage selected candidates across the timeline phases.

  5. Provide feedback to candidates when they are not selected to move forward to the next phase.

  6. Have access to all the timelines they have created for different job posts anytime. 

Job Seekers

  1. They can see the recruitment process timeline even though they have not been invited yet. 

  2. If invited they can see themselves in the current phase they are in.

  3. If they are not selected to move forward, they receive an email with the feedback that was provided by the recruiter. 

  4. They can see all the timelines they were invited to be part of. 

  5. They can withdraw from process if they want to.


Plan Roadmap and Weekly Sprints

Agile Environment

During the 8-weeks, I planned with the team weekly sprints by setting the final goal that we wanted to achieve per week and each team member's responsibilities.
After the end of each Sprint, I conducted Sprint Retrospectives so that we could identified our strengths, clarify any doubts and know the areas where we needed to improve as a team.

Product Backlog

I needed to create and keep our product backlog which was used for our Sprint Planning time. By prioritizing features and identifying team effort and user value, the necessary features were implemented.

Also, I kept a space for our "Crazy" ideas which we used for our web app projection, and helped validating these ideas with our users.

Design and Implementation

Design and Development were 2-weeks apart as we conducted some testing in between to validate our assumptions and make any iterations needed.
The backend was always one week ahead of the front-end development to allow time for implementation and to make sure we had the required tech stack.

Design and Implementation

Design and Development were 2-weeks apart as we conducted some testing in between to validate our assumptions and make any iterations needed.
The backend was always one week ahead of the front-end development to allow time for implementation and to make sure we had the required tech stack.


Iterative Design Learnings

Iteration # 1

Removed the set ‘current phase’ option as most recruitment processes go through the timeline with separate batches of candidates that may be placed in different phases at the same time. 

Iteration # 2

We combined the entry points for inviting and moving candidates into a “Manage Candidates” feature as a separate page instead of a pop-up. We also allowed recruiters to easily move candidates across multiple phases.


Implementation Details

Technical Implementation

Hosted Jobline in Netfly (Front-end) and Vercel (Back-end). 

To build the Jobline web app, the team used the following Tech stack: 

  • Front-end: Flutter Web, Dart and Hive Db.

  • Back-end: Node JS, Express Js and MongoDb.

The back- end and front-end of Jobline work in tandem to create the interactive, user-friendly timelines you see on your screen by retrieving necessary data (automatic login and API requests) from our database upon request and displaying it to our users in an easy-to-understand, interactive format.


My Learnings as a PM


Communication is key when working as part of a team. I learned how to keep my messages clear and succinct everytime I needed to communicate with my team members. This was something that helped to keep an open conversation with them and to build trust and mutual understanding.

Celebrate my team

As a PM, it was essential that I keep my team motivated with what we are creating. I enjoyed celebrating our hard work and effort every step of the way.

Prioritization and Negotiation

I learned to negotiate with my team members by being open to do some trade-offs and finding alternatives that work for everybody while leveraging data driven decisions. Therefore, every sprint, I needed to de-scope our product backlog and prioritize features taking into account core users' needs. Working in the Agile framework allowed me to iterate as needed in order to deliver our MVP.

Prioritization and Negotiation

I learned to negotiate with my team members by being open to do some trade-offs and finding alternatives that work for everybody while leveraging data driven decisions. Therefore, every sprint, I needed to de-scope our product backlog and prioritize features taking into account core users' needs. Working in the Agile framework allowed me to iterate as needed in order to deliver our MVP.